Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (2024)

Posted on February 18, 2016February 18, 2016 by Tyler 20 Comments

Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (1)

Hey Geeks! I will introduce you to a great book now. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes! Some of you may be interested in life behind bars. Well, you shouldn’t. It’s not cool at all, trust me.. But if your interest stays “only as an interest” that’s ok then. Because I see it as a social phenomena that every one of us should spend some time understanding and evaluating it.

Enough sociology for today! Let’s talk about Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes.

You can imagine that prison food is not even nearly close to food which you can eat in a decent restaurant. In prison the problem is you can’t also get out for a drive through. But inmates can be really creative – when they’re not making shivs or some other lethal weapon, guess what they’re making?? RAMENS!!

Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (2)

You can come across with many crazy creative food ideas in prison, which are created withinsufficient funds and crazy creative cooking skills.

One of the great things of Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes is that it comes with a foreword from Samuel L. f*ckIN Jackson!!

What WillYou Find In It??

Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (3)There are more than 65 ramen recipes brought to you straight from behind the bars and many stories of prison life from inmates and creators of this delicate cuisine. And you won’t believe that there are celebrity prison chefs like Slash (Guns’n Roses), Danny Trejo (Machate) and Shia LaBeouf (actor5) who are featured in the book.

You won’t believe all the crazy recipes you see in the book which also have cooly-weirdish names like Chichi, Madof MaNoodle, J-Walking Ramen, Ramen Goulash, Prison Pad Thai Son and many more.

Actually i find the recipes in this book very similar to the diet of a college student. Insufficient funds but still able to cooksomething interesting to eat. Well, I actually am planning to give a try to a few recipes in this prison cook book. You actualy can make really tasty stuff from this book which even can make you addicted to prison ramen. I would never get bored from eating “Prison Pizza”

The Story Behind It

Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (4)Book is written by authors Gustavo “Goose” Alvarez and Clifton Collins Jr. They are childhood friends one of who is an ex-convict now free and living in Mexico and the other is a successfull Hollywood actor who’s made celebrities and friends contribute their recipes and stories to the book.

Alvarez was inspired to write the book by a riot happened in 2009. It was a race riot which took place at California Institute for men in Chino. Black and Hispanic prisoners got in a fight which grew to a massive level resulting with a fire of some buildings. Alvarez suddenly realizes that a crowded group of African-American prisoners were heading to the building that he was in. But an older gang member has successfully talked out all the nearly 100 Afro-American prisoners. But how?? RAMENS OF COURSE!!

The old member noticed that the attackers were stucked in the cold and got frozen up, so he fed those guys. He offered their food to Afro-American attackers. Hispanic prisoners hadgathered all their ramen and prepared a feast with any food they have. This feast has made a bridge between Afro-American and Hispanic prisoners that day. They were sharing something by cooking together. So, Alvarez decided to write a book with ramen recipes and stories from prison.

Where You Can Find It?

You can esily find it on for a really cheap price right now. The last time i checked it was on sale for $7.80. I’ve added some crazy ramen recipes to my cookbook thanks to Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes, but as it was mentioned before, it not only contains recipes, but it also has many chilling and scared-straight real life prison stories told in first-person style. You may want to get the book for yourself or as a gift to one of your belowed friends, so i’m giving the link where you can get by:

>>Click Here To Get Prison Ramen: Recipes and Stories from Behind Bars<<
Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (5)

Some Of The Recipes

Here are some example recipes from the book to make you understand what kind of delicious stuff is expecting you behind bars.



  • 2 packs of hot and spicy ramen noodles
  • Jalapeno squeeze cheese (1/3 bottle)
  • 1 summer sausage
  • 1 Slim Jim
  • Instant Chili (1 bag)
  • A lorge bowl or a small garbage bag ( you can cut the top half if you have one with a regular house size)

Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (6)Crush noodles while they’re still in the package. Put a bowl of water into microwave and heat it for 2 minutes. Then add both noodle packages to water and let them sit by putting on a lid. Meanwhile chop the sausage and Slim Jim. Also make-heat the chili on side. After 10 min noodles should be fully expanded. Drain all the water from the noodles. Transfer noodles into the garbage bag, then add flavor pack and jalapeno cheese. Knead the bag to evenly distribute all the material . Then add the meat and repeat the kneading process.

After that add the hot chili. During this you can also add other flavour pack if you want to. Knead the bag for last time and your meal is ready! Enjoy the prison cuisine.

Sweet and Spicey co*ke Ramen

Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (7)Ingredients

  • 1 pack Texas Beef Ramen (it can also be regular beef)
  • 1/2 or 3/4 can of normal co*ke(not light)
  • 1 pack of peanuts
  • 1 beef stick (Slim Jim – optional)

Cook the noodles. Crush the peanuts while they’re still packed using your boots and floor of your cell. Drain water from noodles, add flavouring packet and co*ke.Add 2/3 of the peanuts and optional sliced beef or sausage to noodle. You can add more co*ke to find the right flavour best suitable for you.

Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Conclusion

We’ve discussed what Prison Ramen Noodle Recipe is about, the story behind it and what are some of the delicate tastes of prison cuisine. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes can be a great bizarre cookbook for your kitchen collection or a great gift for a friend who is interested in underground culture.

If you’ve liked what you saw here, please SHARE! Because SHARING IS CARING!! If you want to ask anything, please comment! Your comments are HIGHLY appreciated. If you would like to contact directly you can mail to See you soon and KEEP IN TOUCH!!!

  1. March 9, 2016

    This was a fun article to read. A VERY different idea for a gift – I love it! I have to agree a forward by Samuel Jackson is a big selling point for me. It’s nice that something positive can come from someone’s prison experiance. The genesis of the idea for the book on prisoners’ cooking was fascinating. It’s really true that food crosses cultural barriers. I wish more gang fights would be resolved this way! I’m not familiar with Clifton Collins Jr. (I rarely see movies). What are some movies he’s done?


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (9)Durukan Kizilarslan

      March 13, 2016

      Samuel Jackson is a selling point for anyone I supose)) You know the saying, when life gives you lemmons you make lemonade. You can see Clifton Collins Junior at Crank: High Voltage and Star Trek. He has appeared at a lot of movies but those are ones that you can see him acting intense.


  2. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (10)Peter

    March 9, 2016


    Firstly, the way you write will not be everyone’s liking…..but I love it. Its to the point, raw and humorous.
    Two things got my interest straight away. The first is that the forward is by Samuel L. Jackson and the second is the co author is Clifton Collins Jr who I first saw in the Event TV show and think he is a brilliant actor.

    This article is simple to read and to be honest I am going to give the Sweet and Spicy co*ke Ramen a try.

    Good stuff, keep the articles coming.

    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (11)admin

      March 12, 2016

      I’m glad that you liked the style) I hope there is nothing wrong with it.

      Not only Samuel L. Jackson but every celebrity included in this book have their own share.

      Thank you for the kind words) Keep in touch!!


  3. March 9, 2016

    Well I’m a fairly old guy, 58 years old, with no intention of being behind bars at this point in my life. Although I have known a few people that either were or are in prison, and have heard of various recipes with minimal ingredients. Your recipes actually don’t sound to bad for something being cooked up in your cell. I’m sure if I were in a cell and either recipe you mentioned was cooked up I’d probably be enjoying it with cell mates as well.


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (13)Durukan Kizilarslan

      March 13, 2016

      I think no one has the intentin to be behind bars. I hope no one has to go trough an experience like that. Yeah the recipes are actually great, they’re just sounding odd because there is the word “prison involved”. Actually they taste great and they taste even greater when you cook them in a clean home environment.


  4. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (14)Davby

    March 9, 2016

    Hey, I just came across your site and this recipe book immediately caught my attention.
    You can cook some pretty nice meals that are both easy to do and inexpensive.
    I found the story of the riots that happened really interesting. I had no idea about that. But it’s true what they say, food can bring everybody together!


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (15)admin

      March 12, 2016

      I’m glad that you liked the article)

      This really can give you alternatives in cousine. Cheap and delicious, nutricious at same time.

      Food is the start and end of many things))


  5. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (16)JeffWA

    March 9, 2016

    Hi Durukan,
    That had to be perhaps the most unique article that I’ve read so far in my connection with WA and reading website articles.

    Understandably most folks would not think of creating what really was a well written article having to do with ramen noodle recipes conceived by actual prison inmates.

    It is so true I assume that in order to survive regarding nutrition while being in prison that inmates have no choice but to either eat what is placed before them during meals, or else come up with recipes on their own.
    With not much in the way of ingredients except what is available for purchase, some of these recipes crafted by the these one a former inmate and the other his friend were quite creative.

    From what I’ve seen on grocery store shelves the Ramen noodles product are quite inexpensive anyway – my only issue as I do have high-blood pressure, (which is controlled by medication) being the food’s very high salt content.

    Still for people who might not have the financial means to be able to afford spending hundreds of dollars monthly regarding food costs some of these recipes mentioned in the book that you recommended seriously did have some nutritional content to them.

    A great article that you took the time to write, Durukan!



    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (17)admin

      March 12, 2016

      Hey Jeff!

      Thank you for your nice words)) I really appreciate it.

      When I write my articles I’m trying to do my best to provide readers with best information. It feels really good to see that hard work pays off))

      I agree with everything you say. You must find alternative solutions in situations like that.

      Thank you again for all your nice words, I’m glad that you liked it))


  6. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (18)David

    March 9, 2016

    That is an extremely interesting article. I never hope to be in prison to find out in person or have to invent those kinds of recipes, but I think it is pretty awesome that they can find creative ways to eat better. That pizza looks pretty good! I might have to find out more about this book and try some of these recipes. Thanks for the article


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (19)admin

      March 12, 2016

      I also hope no one has to learn these recipes out the hard way, but it is an overall contribution to the culture. I thank you for the appreciation and nice words.)


  7. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (20)Neil

    March 23, 2016

    Thankfully I’ve never been behind bars (and I don’t intend to either!) 😛

    However, I have heard about Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes, so I just had to look more in to it because I’m always on the lookout for something new and different to cook during my spare time.

    WOW! This book really is awesome value for money for the number of recipes that are inside. I will check out your link, now!

    Cheers! Neil


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (21)admin

      March 29, 2016

      Hey Neil!! Thanks for the nice words)

      Prison Ramen can fulfill your needs I assume. You definetely keepit on your recipe books shelve)

      Check out my site for more fun stuff))

      Keep in touch!!


  8. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (22)Yousseph

    May 18, 2016

    I love this , its is a geeky helmet but i still love it , Nice idea for the website ,im a member with you at WA , I just started my site to but mine is more about food , but you made me think again now to have a nice corner on the website to have geeky stuff too , I’ll bookmark your page and I do have a friend in Dubai that he would love to get the predator’s helmet ,I’ll forward this link to him .
    Best of luck and keep up the good work


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (23)admin

      June 8, 2016

      Hey Yousseph!! I’m so glad that you like what’s going around here!

      I hope that your friend likes the predator helmet (it’s hard not to).


  9. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (24)Simone

    May 20, 2016

    Who knew that prison ramen noodle recipes were a thing? However, my husband and daughter are huge ramen fans. My daughter pretty much just likes the noodles, but my husband gets more creative.

    He will often fry up deli meat that needs to be used up and then he adds some vegetables. He throws that with some sriracha into the mix and has made himself a meal.

    I think that this book will make a great Father’s Day gift for him from our daughter! They can start cooking together!


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (25)admin

      June 8, 2016

      Your man seems like a creative person.) Prison Ramen is all about spontaneous food creativity.

      I think it will make a great Father’s day gift, get one without hesitation))


  10. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (26)Rina

    January 10, 2017

    This is interesting! I am going to have to get this book and read it. I love Ramen noodles the way the instructions say to make them, but I will have to try how people behind bars eat them. Maybe I will like it, maybe I won’t. Have you tried it?


    1. Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (27)admin

      January 11, 2017

      Hey Rina! Yes, to get the most experience out of it you must prepare your noodles exactly as recipes stated. Well, I’ve tried to make one or two of those recipes, and they are delicious!! I just didn’t have the prison conditions under my hand (hopefuly). But they’re great!! And you will definetely discover new tastes that you’ve never seen before))


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Prison Ramen Noodle Recipes – Cuisine Behind Bars - Santa Got Geek (2024)
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