I’d Let The World Burn For You @goremommyrecs - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

Relax: Eddie Munson x Reader

Collage by me :)

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Description: You and Eddie masturbat* together as you aren't ready to go all the way with him yet.

Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: smut, gay!eddie munson, gay!reader, male reader, grinding, mutual masturbation, use of the term 'queer', one use of the F-slur, mentions of hom*ophobia/being in the closet, LGBTQ+ references, alcohol use, smoking

Word Count: 4k

Divider by @strangergraphics


"Hey, babe? What do you wanna do tonight?" Eddie calls to you from the living room. You're currently standing in the bathroom, brushing your teeth at the sink. You'd gotten home from your shift at the pharmacy about two hours ago, and you called your boyfriend Eddie to spend the night with you in your apartment. He walks into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around your bare torso. You'd only bothered to change into some pajama pants, it’s too warm for a shirt in this weather. Your A/C doesn't work too well, and Hawkins tends to be absolutely boiling in the middle of July. The heat doesn't seem to bother Eddie though, as he came over in ripped jeans and a muscle tee.

You bend over to spit out your toothpaste, rinsing the brush before setting it in a cup you keep by the sink. You turn around to face him, smiling warmly. "I dunno, darling. What would you like to do?" You speak lowly, leaning in for a kiss. Eddie smirks, gladly accepting your invitation. His lips are always so soft and plush, and despite the heat, the room suddenly feels much warmer. Your hands tangle in his hair, lightly tugging on it just the way he likes. He moans against you, biting your bottom lip so you'll allow his tongue access to dance with your own.

Eddie had met you at a metal show at the Hideout six months ago, you remember it like it was yesterday. It was supposed to be some local bands, nothing major. But you'd always liked how loud and invigorating metal music is, so you wanted to hear it in person. There weren't a ton of people there that night, maybe twenty others besides yourself. You were dressed for the occasion, though it wasn't your typical style. Ripped jeans, a Black Sabbath shirt, and some eyeliner was really all you managed to rustle up in time. You remember going to the bar to get a beer, and noticing a particularly handsome guy leaning against the counter on his elbows. "Come here often?" He asked, turning his head to look at you. You met his gaze, really taking a moment to look him over before speaking. He had long, curly hair, a battle vest layered over a beaten leather jacket, and a smile that could make the Devil himself blush like a schoolgirl. His eyes refused to leave yours, patiently waiting for you to respond.

"No, it's my first time here." You replied nervously, almost dropping your drink as the bartender handed it off to you.

"Ooh, a virgin, huh? Is it your first metal show too?" He spoke playfully, taking out a pack of smokes from his jacket. He gestured the box at you, but you waved him away. He just nodded, slipping a cigarette between his lips. He dug out a lighter from his jeans pocket, the yellow flame illuminating his face as he flicked it.

"Um...yeah." You tried to put on a smile, but it probably looked more like a grimace. He chuckled at your expression, taking a long drag before speaking again.

"Well, you picked a good night to pop that cherry. I know the crowd ain't much, but we sure know how to party." You laughed at his charming attitude, unaware of him inching himself closer to you. "What's your name, virgin?" He leaned in real close, his breath fanning over your neck to give you goosebumps. Your breathing picked up, your heart was pounding in your chest. You'd never had a man be so forward with you, especially in such a small town like this. You hadn't even come out to your parents, and here was this man, practically within kissing distance of you. He seemed to notice your discomfort, putting a hand on your shoulder in reassurance. "Relax, hot stuff. You're safe here, I know everyone in this place. Half of 'em are queers, and the other half either don't give a sh*t, or know they'll get their ass kicked if they pull something. I'm Eddie, by the way." He spoke directly into your ear, almost brushing against it with his lips.

"I'm Y/N, i-it's nice to meet you." You stuttered, and your cheeks lit up red soon after.

"Y/N, that's a cute name." He looked you up and down, taking in your cobbled-together ensemble. "Well, you've certainly dressed the part. C'mon, let's get closer to the stage. The show's starting soon." He patted your back, prompting you to start walking while putting his cig out in an ashtray. You stumbled at first, cursing under your breath at your lack of coordination. You soldiered on, getting as close as you could to the stage. You noticed the band setting up, watching them with intense curiosity. You saw the band's name prominently displayed on the drummer's kit, Corroded Coffin. You thought it was a pretty cool title, conjuring an interesting mental image. Eddie tapped you again, and your gaze snapped to him. "Hey, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, okay?" He asked, seemingly itching to go somewhere. Maybe the restroom? You just nodded, letting him go. He gave you a wicked smile, before jumping up onto the stage and tossing his jackets to the side.

"Oh my god." You blurted out, luckily nobody heard you. But you quickly realized you'd just spent the last five minutes getting hit on by the lead singer from one of the bands you came to see that night. The small crowd cheered, and Eddie expertly slung his guitar over his shoulder. He leaned into the microphone, addressing the audience.

"How's everyone doin' tonight?" He asked, trying to hype everyone up. He was met with more cheers, and his eyes darted over to you. You awkwardly clapped for him, unable to lose his burning gaze. "Good to hear. We've got a newbie here tonight, a very hunky young man named Y/N." He pointed a finger in your direction, leading everyone to look over at you. You waved nervously, trying so hard not to blush. "Now, I expect you all to treat Y/N like one of our own. Cuz if things go as planned, I'm taking that sexy motherf*cker home later." He winked at you, and you gasped in surprise.

"Shut up and play, fa*ggot!" A man in the crowd shouted at Eddie.

"f*ck off, Derek! You're just jealous I've never asked you to come home with me." Eddie yelled as a retort, flipping the guy off. Everyone laughed, including you. "Alright, let's get down to business, huh? Who wants to hear some goddamn music?!" You cheered loudly with the crowd this time, meeting Eddie's grin with a smile of your own. Your anxiety was melting away, being replaced by unbridled lust for this man. With another wink, Eddie strummed the first note of one of the band's signature songs.

You spent the next hour rocking out to your heart's content, banging your head and truly letting loose. Eddie's eyes met yours repeatedly through their set, lighting your insides ablaze every time. His stage presence was something else, he was so confident and daring. And his voice was so beautiful, with a crazy amount of range. He could hit low, growling notes just as well as ridiculously high, belty ones. The band's sound was a glorious mix of Metallica and Dio, with their own special flavor blended right in. And it absolutely blew your mind, entrancing you like a sailor under a siren's spell. As the show went on, Eddie's hair dampened with sweat from him going so hard. His gorgeous skin glistened under the spotlight, making his tattoos almost sparkle.

Once the set was over, Eddie gestured at the bar with his head to let you know he'd meet you over there. You nodded, striding over to order two beers. "So, what did you think?" Eddie startled you when he walked up a few minutes later. You turned to look at him, handing him a beer. "Oh, thanks, man." He smiled, still catching his breath from performing.

"It was amazing, Eddie! You guys kick ass, and your voice is something else." You couldn't help your enthusiasm, this was something you'd been wanting to do for the longest time.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." His hand started stroking your arm suggestively, making your skin sizzle. "You wanna get outta here?" You were flattered by the invitation, but the thought of hooking up with him was daunting. You'd never had sex before, just oral and hand jobs. But even then, you didn't have a high 'body count' by any means.

"I dunno. I mean, I really like you. You're very sexy, but I've never really hooked up before." You gently explained, not wanting to hurt his feelings. But he just kept smiling kindly at you.

"That's okay. We don't have to do that. We can just hang out if you want, get to know each other better. And, I promise this isn't a line, but you've gotta be the most handsome man I've ever seen. You seem really sweet, and I'm more than willing to take my time with you." He held his ring-clad hand out to you, hoping you'd take it. "Shall we?"

"You're very sure of yourself, Eddie." You chuckled, unable to wrap your head around the whole thing. His expression dropped slightly, worried you were rejecting him. You rolled your eyes, smirking. "C'mon, pretty boy." You put your hand in his, and his eyes lit up like you'd never seen on a person before. He led the way to his van in the parking lot, graciously opening your door for you. "Such a gentleman." You joked, plopping into the weathered leather seat.

"You know it." He replied, jogging around to the other side to slide in himself. The two of you spent the night in Eddie's trailer, mostly talking in his room. You drank a few beers, ending up rather tipsy. You'd been sitting side by side on his bed, and you felt his eyes on you just as you polished off your fifth beer of the night.

"Something on your mind?" You asked, slightly slurring your words. You looked at his face, noticing him staring at your lips.

"Just one thing. But I don't wanna force it." He said softly, breath stuttering as he spoke. It was the first time you'd seen him act nervous all night, regardless of all the liquid courage you'd both consumed. Your own eyes flicked to his mouth, admiring how soft and plush it looked in the dim light from his bedside lamp.

"Who says you're forcing anything?" You said, barely above a whisper. You decided to be brave for the both of you, despite your heart hammering against your ribs. You leaned in, eyes fluttering closed as your lips finally met his. You both moaned into the kiss, quickly heating things up in your drunken state. Shirts came off, leading to sloppy trails of kisses littering your necks and chests. You admired his tattoos, tracing their outlines with your fingers. "You're so gorgeous, Eddie." You sighed lustfully, in absolute awe of his form.

"You're not so bad yourself, Y/N." Eddie replied, eagerly reaching his hand down to stroke your erection through your jeans.

"f*ck." You muttered under your breath, extremely aroused by everything he did to you. Your eyes met once more, burning intensely while you mimicked his actions on his own clothed co*ck.

"How far do you wanna go, baby?" He asked seriously, not wanting to push you past your limit. You were both breathing heavily, the scent of beer wafting between your mouths.

"Is this enough?" You asked sheepishly, hoping he wouldn't be disappointed. As much as you were attracted to him, you weren't ready to go all the way.

"More than enough. You wanna lay down for me, though? I figure it's more comfortable than sitting side by side like this." He was almost babbling, losing track of his thoughts as you continued to stroke him. You happily obliged his request, laying your head onto his pillow. He scrambled to hover over you, his knees on either side of yours. His lips met yours again hungrily, his teeth biting your bottom lip. You kept going like this for what felt like hours, kissing and grinding against one another like animals in heat. You'd never been so turned on in your life, every other man you'd been with paled in comparison to Eddie.

"You're so f*ckin' hot, baby." You moaned, savoring the friction of his erection rubbing against yours. Both of your jeans were so f*cking tight, it almost hurt.

"Not as much as you. You've got me ready to cream my pants right about now." He groaned, lips migrating to your neck to mark you up with dark hickeys.

"Damn, you've figured out my master plan." You joked, gasping at his tongue finding your sweet spot.

"Is that so?"

"Mmhmm." You struggled to speak at this point, thoughts scrambled by Eddie's showering of affection. "You've been playing it so cool tonight, I'd like to see how vulnerable you can be."

"Well, if we keep up like this it won't be much longer." He said between kisses, grinding even harder against you. You moaned loudly, your hands reaching across Eddie's back. Your nails trailed a reddening path down his smooth skin, slicked over with sweat. "God, you're gonna be the death of me."

"And you me." You replied, rolling your hips faster to bring you closer to the edge. Everything felt so good, and your stomach was beginning to tense up to warn you of your oncoming release. "f*ck. Go faster, baby. You're gonna make me cum." A desperate whine laced your tone, pleading with him to get you off like this. The whole thing was so ridiculously simple, but so very hot.

"Anything you want, sweetheart. I'm right there with you." Another moan ripped itself from his lungs, increasing his pace to seal the deal. He bit down harshly on your neck, sending you flying off the proverbial cliff into a pool of pure bliss.

"Eddie!" You cried out his name, hips bucking wildly as your load emptied into your boxers. Fireworks ignited themselves all over your body, fizzling with blinding embers. Your mouth fell open wide, eyebrows knitting together. Your toes curled up tight, overwhelming pleasure exploding inside you. Eddie kept going, chasing his own high.

"f*ck, that was so hot to watch. I'm almost there, baby." You did your best to bear with him despite your org*sm subsiding, your dick going limp in your sticky underwear. "Oh my- f*ck!" He cried out, and you marveled at the sight of him losing control. His features mimicked yours, his breath shuddering harshly. His hands gripped your shoulders to ride it out, and his pelvis jerked into you as the waves crashed over him. He rolled over to lay beside you, panting heavily. "Jesus christ." He said simply, swallowing hard as he reached for his cigarettes. He was about to light one for himself, when you asked for one. He happily supplied it to you, holding the lighter up to ignite it. You snuggled up to him, flicking the ash into the tray he placed on his chest.

"You're so pretty when you cum." You blurted out, not fully realizing what you said. The alcohol was still weighing heavily on your inhibitions, letting any stray thoughts float past your lips. He just chuckled, kissing your damp forehead.

"So are you, baby." The two of you shared a look, realizing what was going on. This was more than just a one-time thing, the beginning pangs of budding romance thrummed between you. The two of you finished your smokes, passing out in each other's arms soon after.

That one magical night set the stage for what has been the most intense relationship of your life. There have been many cutesy dates, hot and heavy makeout sessions. You’ve frequently engaged in grinding against one another, before gradually moving on to handjobs and oral. The two of you still haven't gone all the way after all this time, but Eddie has shown you time and again he doesn't care about that. As long as you're comfortable and happy, he'll do anything you want.

Eddie's got you pinned against the cool tile of the bathroom wall now, palming your length through your pajamas as he sucks hickeys onto your neck. "Feels so good, baby." You say breathlessly, tugging his hair again to draw sexy noises from him.

"Let's go to bed, loverboy." Eddie stops touching you, and you whine at the loss. He snatches your hand, pulling you frantically down the hall to your bedroom. He leads you backwards to the bed with his palms on your chest, causing you to fall onto it when the mattress meets the backs of your knees. You scoot back, letting Eddie lay over you. He showers you with kisses, roaming haphazardly all over your neck and chest. His lips set your skin on fire, and you pull at the hem of his shirt to take it off. He sits up, slipping it over his head to toss it aside. He stands to remove his jeans and boxers, his hard co*ck slapping against his stomach as it's set free. You slip out of your bottoms, sitting against the headboard. He straddles your naked lap, sitting as close to you as he can. He strokes your cheek, giving you his full attention. "You want me to touch you, darling?" Eddie asks, waiting for your permission.

"Yes, please." You truly appreciate his special way of getting consent, asking if you want something he clearly desires to do to you. His big brown eyes stay on yours, almost hypnotizing you with their beauty. His hand slowly drags down your body, leaving a trail of tingles until he reaches your dick. He grasps the base of it. "f*ck." You mutter, watching as he lets a long drip of saliva fall from his lips onto your length. His large hand spreads the moisture around, pumping you at an agonizing pace. "Eddie." You moan, reaching up to bring his head to yours in a bruising kiss. You keep it brief, just long enough to steal his breath away. When you let him go, you spit into your hand before taking hold of his co*ck.

"sh*t." Eddie groans, shuddering at the contact. You look into each other's eyes, mouths agape as pleasure builds up inside you. Your free hand grips his thigh, digging your nails into the flesh as he works you up. He leans forward, latching his mouth onto your neck again. A consistent stream of moans and curses leaves your lips as Eddie nips and sucks on your skin. "Do I make you feel good, sweetheart?" He asks lowly, taking your earlobe between his teeth.

"Yes, baby. So f*ckin' good." You slide your palm up and down his co*ck with ease, gradually increasing speed. Eddie mirrors your actions, eagerly reciprocating the overwhelming sensation you bring him. You're both sweating profusely, every little sound and twitch heightening your excitement. "God, I love you." You say through your panting, earning a sharp bite on your throat. You moan louder than before, the pain only serves to push you further to the edge. You love when Eddie's rough with you, animalistic even. He claims you as his every chance he gets, and you happily let him do so.

"I love you too, Y/N. More than anything on this earth." He licks a long stripe over the rough bite he gave you, soothing the bruised skin. "Go faster, baby." He pleads, his own speed increasing again. He never thought an act like this could be so fulfilling, every other person he'd been with before always wanted to rush into sex. But most of those connections only lasted a night or two, and he could tell from the moment you walked into the Hideout that night that you were different. Special. And every little thing you let him do for you makes his heart flutter like nothing else can.

Immeasurable tension continues to build inside you, a burning flame in your belly stoked by undying love. Your hair sticks to your faces, and it's difficult for Eddie to continue straddling you as your legs have slicked over so much. You're getting very close, wanting so badly to lose control. You pump him as fast as you possibly can, knocking the air from his lungs. He almost falls off of you from all the perspiration, but he tightens his legs around you to hang on. "I'm almost there, baby. Keep going, just like that." You almost whine at him, and he rapidly strokes your dick in his fist. You're sprinting to the finish line together, chasing each other's highs. The unmistakable waves of ecstasy crash into you violently, threatening to drag you into the abyss.

"You gonna cum, darling?" Eddie asks, gazing over your glistening form. Your head is thrown back as far as it can go against the headboard, and your eyes beg him to give you the org*sm you so desperately want. You nod your head, unable to form coherent thoughts anymore. All you can manage is groans and calls of his name, and that's good enough for him. "C'mon, angel. Make a mess all over my hand." His words stutter slightly, signaling his own oncoming end. He crushes his lips onto yours, shoving his tongue past your teeth. This final aggressive action is exactly what it takes to make everything come crashing down. You cum simultaneously, moaning down each other's throats. Your hips stutter as your sticky load spurts onto Eddie's hand, and your nails draw blood as they scratch down his thigh.

His pelvis bucks into your fist through his own release, the thick liquid spilling between you from his clumsy thrusts. You keep your mouths glued together as the pleasure fades away, still tangling your tongues. When you need to breathe, you pull away and grab some tissues from the box on your bedside table. You hand some to Eddie, and you both clean yourselves up as best you can. The tissues are discarded into the trash, and Eddie removes himself from your lap to lay beside you. You pull the covers over the two of you, propping yourself up on your elbow to face him. "You're amazing, you know that?" You say simply, admiring his spent expression.

"Is that so?" He smirks, sitting up to get on your level. You reach forward to poke his nose with your finger, chuckling as his eyes cross to look at it.

"Yes, the most amazing man in the entire world." Eddie moves quickly to snap at your finger, but you pull it away just in time.

"Sneaky little sh*t." He teases, giving you another kiss. It's calm and loving, with no intention of going any further. You're both truly exhausted, barely fighting off the urge to pass out into deep sleep.

"Do you wanna move in with me?" You had been meaning to ask him for a while now, but you couldn't find an opportunity until now.

"What?" His eyes widen, unsure he heard you correctly.

"I said, do you wanna move in with me?" You repeat yourself, confident in your request. You've bonded so much over the last few months, and you want to share your space with him, build a home with him. Eddie thinks about it for a moment, before smiling wide at you.

"Yes, Y/N. I'd love to." He replies calmly, giving you yet another kiss. This one is more passionate, but he leads your heads to rest on the pillows in preparation for sleep. His warm hand cups your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You clumsily reach over to shut off your lamp, flicking the switch before tangling your legs with Eddie's. You break away one final time, meeting each other's gaze in the moonlight shining into the window above the bed. "I love you, sweetheart. I'm so f*ckin' lucky I met you."

"I love you too, Eds. Let's get some rest, we've got a big day of packing up your stuff tomorrow." You both chuckle at that, absolutely giddy with the idea of living together. You turn over, letting Eddie spoon you. His arms wrap around your front, holding you as close as he can. You both drift off into much-needed sleep, dreaming of your future together.

The end.

I’d Let The World Burn For You @goremommyrecs - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6148

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.